Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lazy Sunday

As my first weekend with no homework I do celebrate by acting on one of my favorites pastimes, nothing.  I love having no plans and no obligations.  I sleep late, drink a little coffee, and settle down to watch some NFL.  As my team is not being televised (don't worry I have my trusty Brookstone scoreboard.)  I can dedicate this day to some much needed movie time.  I have a pretty good selection of movies that even my family raids as their "video store."  Everything is alphabetized and neatly stacked so I can see each one.  
It is important to decide what kind of movie day it should be.  Should it be a fun girly day with my SJP collection?  (Yes, Footloose is included.)  Or should I go for the action movie bonanza with some Jason Statham and Robert Downey Jr.?  I decide to sit down and have a princess fest.  The movies in which I bide my time is Young Victoria starring the truly adorable Emily Blunt, Elizabeth with the amazing Cate Blanchett, and The Queen with the hottie Helen Mirren.
These films revolve around the amazing English Queens that defined their generations and stand the test of time as brilliant role models for women of today.
Here's some history:
Queen Victoria was just 18 when she was crowned Queen of England.  She like many queens of her time was pushed into marriage so that she could create heirs and get out from control from her mother.  Being stubborn she stood her ground and married her true love her German cousin Albert.  Together they had nine children and Albert's death at the age of 42 made her mourn him for the rest of her life.  She is currently the longest reigning monarch in England's history.
Young Victoria right now on DVD
Queen Elizabeth I was the only child of Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn.  She grew up in the turmoil of not only her mother's death, but the many marriages of her father.  Henry VIII constantly put her and her sister Mary on the chopping block (no pun intended) and continued to place and remove them from the line of ascension for the throne of England.  After Mary's disastrous reign, Elizabeth took over and become one of the greatest rulers in history.
Elizabeth now on DVD
 Finally our reigning Queen Elizabeth II.  She is still the reigning monarch of England and was just 26 when she became queen after her father died.  Just to be clear, Elizabeth became queen when Harry Truman was in the White House.  She has had 12 Prime Ministers in England and seen 11 U.S. Presidents come and go.  She is currently the ONLY head of state living that served in an uniform during WWII.
The Queen now on DVD
Now you are up to speed just remember, lazy weekends can be relaxing and full of what you want it to be.  So grab some popcorn and some hot chocolate and snuggle up to watch your favorite movies!


  1. Love The Young Victoria and Elizabeth! Great movies! Still haven't seen The Queen, but it's on my Netflix list.

  2. The Queen is so good! I loved it. It is about the reaction that the royals gave right after Princess Diana's death. It is interesting to see the relationship that Tony Blair and the Queen had and how this shaped their reign at that time.
