Saturday, September 25, 2010

Retail Therapy

Mulberry Alexa bag
 I don't know one person who hasn't dipped into the growing medical phenomenon of retail therapy.  Whether you are feeling blue or feeling great, finding that purchase seems to jump start those endorphins.  For myself, whenever I complete a semester of school I always treat myself to some nail polish at Ulta.  I love to take a long, hot bath then paint my toe nails.  Frolicking through the rainbow of colors of the nail polish aisle always gives me the boost I need.  I realize that many people think that an $8 dollar bottle of nail polish is extreme, but some of you have that one object  that you would pay whatever the cost.
Which brings me to the cost of our extravagant tastes.  My such taste is for handbags.  Once you get that first experience of owning your own designer handbag you can't go back.  I remember my first Michael Kors satchel.  I begged and begged for this handbag for Christmas, and on Christmas Day I received my little treasure.  In fact I am carrying right now.  It is just as special to me as it was that Christmas morning.  I have since then collected a Chloe, Marc Jacobs, and Elliot Lucca.  My current obsession is the Mulberry Alexa bag (seen above).  Sure I would love to have a sugar daddy like Kim does on the Real Housewives of Atlanta to get it, but that is gross.
Today every retail chain carries some kind of celebrity fashion label.  We have Kate Moss for Top Shop or Vera Wang for Kohl's.  Coming this October Mulberry is bringing their line of handbags to Target.  I am so very excited and will surely be purchasing my very own Alexa.
I have added my own faves from the various clothing lines at different stores.  What different outfits can we make when we have affordable clothes to fit our champagne dreams.

Mulberry for Target

LC Lauren Conrad for Kohl's Lace Jacket

Simply Vera Wang for Kohl's ruffled sweater

Paris Hilton for Macy's Destiny pumps
For all you guys who LOVE nail polish like me, here is my current fave: Essie's Wicked.


  1. Love the black Mulberry for Target handbag. Super cute. :)

  2. Yes! I can't wait, it will be available at Target October 1st. That bag is $35.
