Friday, October 29, 2010

All About Mad Men

Mad Men has always been a great show that I watched occasionally, but I have recently been watching more and more.  The look of Mad Men is incredible.  The sixties is where the men dressed up and the women did the dishes dressed to the nines.  Even though he is the world greatest jackass, Don Draper is absolutely hot!  The looks of Betty, Joan, and Peggy are becoming more and more a part of our everyday wardrobe.  I mean who doesn't love a cardigan and red lipstick?

If you are looking for a great cardigan, but not pay a huge price Old Navy and even Nordstrom have some great looks that won't break the bank.
Old Navy Cardigan
Nordstrom Cardigan
Of course can't forget about the accessories!  They are my favorite things and can make your outfit.
Forever 21 Beaded Necklace
Modcloth Heels
Also don't forget my favorite addition: the red lips.  Although there are several shades you can try, but I love the pin-up look to this lip stick.
MAC Ruby Woo
Any of these suggestions can give you that Mad Men look you crave.

Monday, October 25, 2010

The Art of Mixing and Matching

One of the simple stress relievers for me is to do my nails.  I usually do my nails late at night when the house is quieting down.  I usually make a cup of tea, put on a Drew Barrymore flick and do my nails.  When I am picking out my colors I usually take a look at my clothes to see what combination I can think of that would compliment my nail color.  I love to put together different combos on my hands and feet.  It is a rarity that I use the same color on my nails and toes.  Here are a few of my recent combos and hope you come up with your own favorite combo!

My current combo:
Nails: Essie Chinchilly

Toes: OPI Russian Navy
Some other combos:
Nails: Essie Merino Cool
Toes: OPI Miami Beet
Try this one:
Nails: Essie Wicked
Toes: Essie Licorice